Photo of a photo of @critical_se
"RESTart Slussen is an art project under the auspices of Stockholm Konst, initiated by the project managers, textile artisan Kerstin Simonsson and graffiti artist Pärra Andreasson." From left: Pärra Andreasson @ruskigstm, Kerstin Simonsson @kesivilar and Mårten Castenfors (Stockholm Konst)
Interview with @delicious_brains and @gougeone
Interview with Pärra Andreasson @ruskigstm
On photo @amarapordios
By by dear RESTart project. It has been an honor for me to be part of this project as a documenting photographer. Great to meet all artist and make photos of the art. This is the first big project in middle of Stockholm after years of zero tolerance for graffiti. Interesting collaboration with all the artists. Look forward to see more of this in future!